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Oct 22

Is a Poor Mobile Experience Sending Your Customers Elsewhere?

Posted by Jennifer on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 and filed under Blog Posts, Featured

Our smartphones and tablets allow us to shop from pretty much anywhere. We can re-order our contacts while eating lunch. We can browse for a new coat while stuck in a cab. You get the idea. Times have changed. We no longer have to go to the store to seal the deal. But does that mean the retailer doesn’t have to provide us with the common courtesies we deserve?

The answer is no. We still expect good, fast service, even if we are sitting at home on the sofa.

Studies show that the number of consumers who are choosing to buy items on their smartphones or tablets instead of in stores has increased by 92% since the first quarter of 2012 (JWire, 2013).

That’s because ordering online has its conveniences. The handiness of shopping mobile can quickly go down the toilet, however. Here are some alarming statistics that showcase just how many consumers retailers stand to lose if they don’t take their mobile convenience seriously:

1. Unfortunately, 30% of customers leave sites because they can’t find what they are looking for (Bain & Co., 2013).

2. An alarming 66% of customers who do start online shopping carts abandon them (Bain & Co., 2013).

3. Nearly 40 percent of consumers will go to a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience (Compuware, 2012).

What are you doing to up the mobile ante?